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  1. Mike Daube
  1. Cancer Foundation of Western Australia
  1. Mike Daube, Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Foundation of Western Australia, 46 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, WA, Australia 6005mdaube{at}

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During the 1980s and early 90s Western Australia's relatively well funded, innovative, and aggressive media campaigns attracted international recognition and contributed to a welcome reduction in smoking prevalence.1

During the 1990s funding for media declined; cautious governments ensured less forceful advertising; comprehensive legislation (including an ad ban) may in truth have led us into some temporary complacency; and the decline in smoking stalled, with adult prevalence remaining at around 25%.1

The Cancer Foundation of Western Australia decided that it was not enough simply to press for governments to spend money. So in early 2000 we established our own “Target 15” tobacco campaign. Why “Target 15”? Because our aim is to reduce adult prevalence to 15% or less by 2010.

Our tobacco programme will shortly receive 10% of Cancer Foundation annual expenditure. This means raising more funds so …

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