Table 5

Covariate adjusted5-150 association between favourite star tobacco use and attitudes toward smoking among never smokers (n=281)

CovariateN (% susceptible)Adjusted odds ratios (odds of being susceptible to smoking5-151)
OR 95% CI p Value
Tobacco use: favourite star
 0155 (12.9)Reference
 180 (16.3)2.160.86 to 5.450.2
 241 (26.8)4.781.60 to 14.230.005
 ⩾ 37 (42.9)16.182.33 to 112.610.005
Family and friend smoking
 None67 (10.5)Reference
 Family only30 (10.0)0.780.17 to 3.540.7
 Friends only98 (21.4)2.881.03 to 8.000.042
 Family and friends88 (18.2)2.280.78 to 6.660.1
  • 5-150 Model includes controls for grade, sex, perceived school performance, and ownership of cigarette promotional items.

  • 5-151 Students were susceptible to smoking if they could not definitely rule out smoking in the next 6 months or smoking if a peer offered a cigarette.