Table 3

Question 1 regular and deficiency budget proposals, 1994 fiscal year (FY) (in millions)

Governor's Budget ProposalJan 1993
Smoking prevention programmes$18.80
Tobacco cessation programmes$10.00
Subtotal of tobacco education and prevention activities $28.80
Supplantation of general funds with health protection fund (HPF) revenues$69.90
House Ways and Means ProposalJune 1993
Tobacco education, prevention and cessation activities$26.40
Allocated for other public health programmes (non-tobacco control)$92.60
Senate Ways and Means ProposalJune 1993
Tobacco education, prevention, and cessation activities76.00
Supplantation of general funds with HPF revenues (non-tobacco control)$80.00
House/Senate Conference Committee ProposalJune 1993
Anti-tobacco media campaign (plus carryover from 1993 FY)$6.00
Department of Public Health (DPH) tobacco education, cessation, and prevention programmes$13.00
Department of Education (DOE) comprehensive school health programme (to include tobacco)$22.00
Comprehensive school health services (to include tobacco)$3.00
Subtotal of tobacco education, cessation, and prevention activities $44.00
Allocated for other public health programmes (non-tobacco control)$79.00
Question 1 1994 FY Deficiency House/Senate Budget ProposalJuly 1993
Tobacco education, prevention and cessation activities$32.00
Question 1 1993 FY and 1994 FY Budget AllocationsSept 1993
Supplemental 1993 FY budget (for specific and related tobacco control activities)$20.00
1994 FY budget (for specific and related tobacco control activities)$44.00
1994 FY deficiency budget (for specific and related tobacco control activities)$32.00
Subtotal of specific and related tobacco education, cessation, and prevention activities $96.00
Allocated for other public health programmes (non-tobacco control)$80.00
Grand total$176.00
  • Sources: Budget documents from Fiscal Affairs, House Ways and Means Committee, Senate Ways and Means Committee, and House/Senate Conference Committee 1993.