Table 2

Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for likelihood of Marlboro gift with purchase and greater extent of Marlboro store advertising in states with tobacco control programmes, controlling for store type

Gifts with purchase2-151Exterior advertising2-152Interior advertising2-152
OR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CI
Zero order models
Tobacco control programme
(adjusting for store type)
2.5902-165 (1.57 to 4.26)1.492-150 (1.05 to 2.11)1.22(0.93 to 1.60)
Local community tobacco ad restrictions (adjusting for store type)1.6382-150 (1.02 to 2.63)0.2182-150 (0.13 to 0.38)1.10(0.88 to 1.38)
Combined model
Tobacco control programme2.482-160 (1.37 to 4.51)1.24(0.83 to 1.86)1.21(0.88 to 1.66)
Local community tobacco ad restrictions1.07(0.61 to 1.90)1.25(0.89 to 1.76)1.01(0.77 to 1.32)
χ2 19.47 df 5 p<0.0016748.23 575 df p=1.30552.47
575 df
  • Odds ratios were calculated by exponentiating the coefficients.

  • 2-151 Logistic regression analysis;

  • 2-152 Poisson regression analysis.

  • 2-150 p < 0.05;

  • 2-160 p < 0.01;

  • 2-165 p < 0.001.