Table 3

Multivariate associations between proposed tobacco control support scales and several explanatory variables; coefficients and p values from multiple linear regressions

Voters†Tobacco industry†Other interest groups†
Independent variablesCoefficientp ValueCoefficientp ValueCoefficientp Value
†For all regression analyses, n=549.
‡Compared to Liberals.
NS, not significant at p=0.05; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.
The Liberal Party was the comparison category for the political party indicator variables because it is the largest group and also is considered a “centre” party on the ideological spectrum.
Political factors
New Democrat‡0.01NS0.26**0.31***
Progressive Conservative‡0.02NS−0.11NS−0.25**
Other party‡0.07NS0.29*0.08NS
Government minister0.19*0.11NS0.14NS
Health promotion ideology scale0.11**0.19***0.23***
Too much private sector regulation−0.14*−0.09NS−0.03NS
Personal characteristics
Sex (female=1, male=0)0.16*−0.11NS−0.05NS
Tobacco experiences
Family death from smoking0.06NS0.06NS0.12*
Tobacco knowledge
Second hand smoke can cause cancer0.37***0.07NS0.16NS
Most smokers are addicted0.17NS0.15NS0.07NS
More tobacco v alcohol deaths0.17**0.24***0.15**
Interest group saliency
Tobacco industry presence−0.17NS−0.03NS−0.06NS
Receptive to more medical association contact0.12*0.07NS0.12*