Table 1

Index of search terms and number of documents returned by tobacco company website

Search termsPhilip MorrisRJ ReynoldsLorillardBrown & WilliamsonAmerican Tobacco CompanyBritish American Tobacco
*Indicates any combination of letters following the suffix; pbrand indicates the primary brand mentioned; mbrand indicates any brand that was mentioned; Philip Morris and Lorillard websites were searched using combined text field searches; RJ Reynolds was searched using a title field search; BATCo and American Tobacco Company were searched using pack* in the title field and other terms in combined text fields.
pack* & research507315838542712758
pack* & image*52422248
pack* & retail451385601216
pack* & innovat*92827
pack* & market research2835314352
pack* & brand plan7692805
pack* & test3788184538523525851
pack* & point of purchase1312
pack* & point-of-purchase13111
pack* & store5002335217327
pack* & display119326133712811
pack* & brand4110432979933397
pack* & design462206511032295
pack* & focus group74211693
pack* & qualitative129241162425
pack* & pbrand: Alpine308
pack* & pbrand: Marlboro3213
pack* & pbrand: Virginia Slims2317
pack* & pbrand: Benson & Hedges1307
pack* & pbrand: Camel8012
pack* & mbrand: Newport731
pack* & mbrand: Winston22
pack* & mbrand: Harley Davidson55
pack* & mbrand: Lucky Strike25