Table 2

Mean (SD) of indicators of amount of intervention (number of activities), reach (participation), and peer leader participation documented by programme implementers with the process evaluation system

Interventions implementedMean (SD) number/site (n = 4)% (SD) participation/activity/site (n = 4)
N/A, not applicable. It was not possible to document teen contact with non-interactive interventions.
Interactive activities
    Open houses3.8 (1.5)28.4 (14.7)
    Teen advisory boards5.7 (.58)9.9 (4.8)
    Peer leader interviews4.5 (.57)1.9 (.47)
    Games and contests8.8 (2.5)13.6 (4.5)
    Carbon monoxide assessment1.3 (.58)17.1 (9.3)
    Total24.1 (1.3)14.2 (10.2)
Non-interactive activities
    Changes in SMART Center bulletin boards11.5 (1.0)N/A
    Changes in messages on table tents40.5 (1.9)N/A
    Home mailings3.3N/A
Mean number of minutes of interactive intervention exposure/site113 (14.4)N/A