Table 2

 Baseline and post-baseline anti-industry attitudes & beliefs, confirmed awareness of truth® ads, and truth® ad reactions across tobacco producing states (TPS) and non-tobacco producing states (non-TPS)

State groupsBaseline*Post-baseline*
Anti-industry attitudes/beliefs (1–5 point range) Mean (SE)§ ††Anti-industry attitudes/beliefs (1–5 point range) Mean (SE)‡ § ¶ ††Confirmed awareness of truth® ads % (SE)§Reactions to truth® ads** (1–3 point range) Mean (SE)
n1, baseline sample size; n2, post-baseline sample size.
*Baseline results use the pre-campaign survey; post-baseline results collapse data from the five subsequent waves after campaign launch.
**Data on reactions to truth® ads are from the subpopulation with confirmed awareness of at least one truth® ad.
Threshold for significance uses Bonferroni correction.
†TPS v non-TPS, low different at p<(0.05)/6 = 0.008.
‡TPS v non-TPS, high different at p<0.008.
§TPS v CA/FL/MA different at p<0.008.
¶Non-TPS, low v non-TPS, high different at p<0.008.
††Non-TPS, low v CA/FL/MA different at p<0.008.
‡‡non-TPS, high v CA/FL/MA different at p<0.008.
TPS (n1 = 381; n2 = 1548)3.86 (0.06)3.98 (0.04)57.8% (2.4%)2.60 (0.05)
Non-TPS, low (n1 = 589; n2 = 4,734)3.89 (0.05)4.06 (0.02)61.3% (1.4%)2.63 (0.03)
Non-TPS, high (n1 = 1,792; n2 = 13,284)4.02 (0.03)4.16 (0.02)63.4% (1.4%)2.58 (0.03)
CA, FL, MA (n1 = 676; n2 = 5306)4.14 (0.04)4.22 (0.02)66.4% (1.4%)2.62 (0.02)
All states (n1 = 3438; n2 = 24869)3.99 (0.02)4.12 (0.01)62.6% (0.8%)2.61 (0.01)