Table 1 South East Asia tobacco control statements
(1) Get pro-tobacco information into scientific literature(44) Promote pro-tobacco candidates for government offices
(2) Promote tobacco control focus that is limited to youth issues and youth education programmes(45) Exploit regional trade agreements
(3) Create youth antismoking campaigns(46) Conduct meetings with ministries of finance and health to influence opinion on tobacco control issues
(4) Harass tobacco control advocates(47) Argue that tobacco tax increases encourage smuggling
(5) Diversify investments to protect themselves economically (entering into food, alcohol and clothing businesses)(48) Focus attention towards ineffective public policies and programmes (for example, youth restricted access, youth antismoking campaigns)
(6) Develop and fund environmental health agencies (for example, the Institute for Air Quality (IAQ), environmental front groups)(49) Promote tobacco products through use of young, pretty girls
(7) Evade advertising bans through trans-border broadcasting(50) Invest in traditional home production business of tobacco products—bidis, kreteks, etc
(8) Provide tobacco farmers with technical assistance (use of fertilisers, processing, etc)(51) Target poor by images associating tobacco with success and freedom
(9) Create ineffective anti-smoking school programmes(52) Undermine the FCTC process (for example, by providing governments with written suggested responses)
(10) Support “front groups” for the tobacco industry(53) Push for weak health warning labels on tobacco products
(11) Provide government officials with contributions, gifts or special perks(54) Pressure governments to develop joint ventures between locally owned companies and multinational tobacco companies
(12) Provide retailers with youth educational materials(55) Provide money to government programmes and initiatives to gain political favour
(13) Publicise philanthropy contributions(56) Avoid legislative interventions by promoting self regulation (for example, tobacco industry marketing standards)
(14) Evade taxes by basing taxation on weight vs number of sticks in pack(57) Fund researchers to present at tobacco control conferences
(15) Co-opt scientists working in toxicology and environmental health and safety(58) Circumvent ad bans through indirect promotions and sponsorships
(16) By providing funds for their education and training(59) Circumvent ad bans through brand stretching
(17) Threaten to withdraw financial support from government programmes(60) Sponsor sports and music concerts
(18) Lobby for passing weak tobacco control laws and restrictions(61) Divert attention from health issues by focusing attention on economic issues
(19) Create doubt and confusion regarding the science of environmental tobacco smoke(62) Infiltrate key research and educational institutions (such as WHO) by training their professional staff and consultants
(20) Facilitate tobacco smuggling as a way to counter tax increases(63) Disregard regulations on ingredient disclosure
(21) Lobby ministries of tourism, industry and trade(64) Develop allies with powerful élites
(22) Promote “Courtesy of Choice” and other accommodation programmes(65) Engage in free sampling of tobacco products
(23) Create alliances in the private sector retailers, vendors, hospitality(66) Use economic clout to buy media coverage
(24) Organise local conferences about indoor air quality to confuse science(67) Conduct meetings with FCTC national delegations to influence opinion
(25) Avoid taxes by requesting “tax holiday” after capital investment(68) Promote ventilation programmes instead of indoor smoking bans
(26) Establish friendly relationships with government officials, policy makers or tobacco control advocates(69) Highlight philanthropic contributions (for example, medical missions and development programmes)
(27) Argue that tobacco production and sales reduce poverty(70) Assert economic benefits of the tobacco industry to the country
(28) Co-opt youth organisations and school programmes to implement youth anti-smoking campaigns(71) Write educational curriculum at prestigious institutions
(29) Pressure governments to privatise tobacco industry(72) Purchase tobacco from offshore accounts
(30) Argue that increases in tobacco taxes will reduce government revenues(73) Publicise corporate and social responsibility activities to enhance public
(31) Destroy industry documents(74) Assert that tobacco taxes are regressive and anti-poor
(32) Assert that higher tobacco tax threatens job security and employment, especially for poor farmers(75) Purchase medical research institutions
(33) Use university professors to lobby government officials(76) Provide financial support to key institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Health Organization
(34) Oppose increases in tobacco taxes(77) Develop alliances with the hospitality industry
(35) Work against the ratification of the FCTC(78) Fund reforestation campaigns to divert accusations of environmental damage
(36) Write weak tobacco control legislation for governments(79) Target women through the use of western images of female empowerment
(37) Influence scientific discourse by infiltrating academic institutions(80) Hire consultants to promote industry view on scientific issues
(38) Silence tobacco control news and information(81) Write indoor air policies that are consistent with industry policies on accommodation and ventilation
(39) Falsely compliance with tobacco control rules and regulations(82) Threaten local policy makers that they will lose in the elections if they do not support the industry
(40) Buy allegiance of future scientific experts by supporting their undergraduate and graduate school training(83) Develop display and promotional materials at point of purchase
(41) Hire individuals to enter into tobacco control community and create fractions (disunite)(84) Promote tobacco through free giveaways
(42) Misrepresent tobacco control issues to naive reporters(85) Use capitol investments to bargain for relief from tobacco control measures
(43) Conspire to control price of cigarettes (price fixing)(86) Support tobacco cultivation