Table 3

Bivariate and multivariate adjusted ordinal regression models for frequency of purchasing single cigarettes in last month

Independent variablesBivariate OR (95% CI)Multivariate OR (95% CI)
    Male0.107 (0.160)0.209 (0.210)
    25–39−0.947 (0.201)§−0.543 (0.309)
    40–54−1.270 (0.229)§−0.891 (0.337)*
    55+−1.925 (0.311)§−1.393 (0.368)‡
    < Middle school
    Middle school0.230 (0.237)0.207 (0.206)
    High school−0.371 (0.234)−0.058 (0.238)
    > High school−0.129 (0.316)−0.204 (0.300)
Income (pesos/month)
    3001–5000−0.110 (0.209)−0.366 (0.242)
    5001–8000−0.580 (0.209)†−0.416 (0.265)
    8001 or more−0.267 (0.097)*−0.198 (0.107)
Regularity of smoking
    Non-daily0.325 (0.230)0.070 (0.236)
Quit attempt in last year
    Yes0.801 (0.183)§0.344 (0.231)
Intention to quit in next 6 months
    Yes0.525 (0.210)*0.199 (0.285)
Frequency of buying single cigarettes to reduce consumption, last month
    Once in a while3.633 (0.267)§3.077 (0.300)§
    Often/very often6.173 (0.553)§5.854 (0.583)§
Cues to smoke after seeing single cigarettes for sale, last month
    Low1.401 (0.272)§0.815 (0.312)*
    Middle1.745 (0.233)§1.428 (0.259)§
    High1.918 (0.309)§1.355 (0.293)§
  • *p<0.05; †p<0.01; ‡p<0.001; §p<0.0001.