Table 1 Examples of text messages
Type or timing of messageMessage
In lead-up to quit dateTxt2stop: To make things easier for yourself, try having some distractions ready for cravings, and think up some personal strategies to help in stressful situations.
In lead-up to quit dateTxt2stop: Why are you quitting? To be fitter, costs too much or what?
In lead-up to quit dateTxt2stop: Remembr pros & cons of smoking? Display your reasons for quitting where you can see them.
On quit dateTxt2stop: This is it! - QUIT DAY, throw away all your fags, TODAY is the start of being QUIT forever, you can do it!
After quit dayTxt2stop: “Quick result! Carbon monoxide has now left your body! Check out your health at
After quit dayTxt2stop: How long does it take for the cigarette chemicals to leave your body? 2 hours, 2 days or 2 weeks - we will send you the answer later today.
After quit dayNicotine withdrawal may make you restless, irritable, frustrated, sleepless, or accident prone - but these things will pass and you will start to feel the benefits after 3 or 4 days.
After quit dayTxt2stop: Cat, 21 frm London says “I've been quit for 2 months, at 1st it was tricky but I got through it and now I'm really proud to be smoke free.
After quit dayTxt2stop: Well done, you've got past the 1st week, over the next few weeks your circulation will improve making walking & running a lot easier.
In response to txt CRAVE requestCravings last less than 5 minutes on average. To help distract yourself, try sipping a drink slowly until the craving is over.