Table 3

Sample demographics (%), RFS and UFS, China, June 2008

Sample size1109549206175
Mean age ± SD18.3 ±2.718.3±3.418.3±1.9
Response rate (%)94.995.094.8
Province/city (%)
School classification (%)
 Vocational/technical HS22.028.816.6
 Regular HS22.425.420.1
 Key point HS23.019.325.9
Self-reported school performance (%)
 Very good1.71.42.0
 Very poor0.60.50.8
Ethnicity (%)
 Han Chinese95.296.494.3
 Other (ie, minority)
*Pocket money monthly (To nearest US$) (%)
 Between 0–$717.921.315.1
 Between $8–$1419.522.717.1
 Between $15–$2923.225.021.7
 Between $30–$5821.720.122.9
 Between $59–$11713.19.316.3
 Over $1184.10.96.0
  • * Pocket money spent per month by respondents was converted to US$ based on the conversion 6.8%RMB=US$1%at the time of analysis.

  • HS, high school; RFS, rural female students; UFS, urban female students.