Table 2

Socioeconomic status (SES) factors associated with purchase behaviours (ORs from general estimating equation (GEE) models)

The most-used cigarette brand chosen because of its low costMost recent cigarette purchase for self was in carton
VariablesOR95% CIOR95% CI
 Female0.725*0.530 to 0.9921.631***1.276 to 2.085
Age (years)
 40–540.9210.794 to 1.0690.672***0.579 to 0.780
 25–390.784*0.643 to 0.9560.383***0.313 to 0.469
 18–240.9590.637 to 1.4440.247***0.151 to 0.403
Marital status
 Divorced or widowed0.8990.706 to 1.1450.9230.749 to 1.139
 Single1.0150.787 to 1.3090.602**0.443 to 0.819
Average total household income per month (¥)
 1000–29991.158*1.021 to 1.3140.764***0.680 to 0.858
 <10001.466***1.224 to 1.7560.607***0.513 to 0.719
 Missing0.9250.751 to 1.1390.730**0.589 to 0.905
 College and aboveReferenceReference
 High school1.247**1.091 to 1.4260.736***0.641 to 0.846
 No formal education or prime school1.0740.865 to 1.3350.717**0.582 to 0.882
Employment status
 Unemployed0.9350.795 to 1.1010.9590.822 to 1.120
 Retired1.186*1.019 to 1.3811.490***1.284 to 1.730
Cigarettes per day (CPD)
 CPD lowReferenceReference
 CPD middle1.139*1.018 to 1.2751.649***1.476 to 1.841
 CPD high1.1550.981 to 1.3602.322***1.987 to 2.714
Survey wave
 Wave 1ReferenceReference
 Wave 21.191**1.060 to 1.3381.110*1.004 to 1.227
 Wave 32.109***1.863 to 2.3881.0330.928 to 1.151
 Shenyang1.919***1.547 to 2.3810.195***0.157 to 0.243
 Shanghai0.8490.696 to 1.0340.329***0.265 to 0.408
 Changsha2.339***1.858 to 2.9440.200***0.160 to 0.251
 Guangzhou0.651***0.531 to 0.7990.338***0.270 to 0.424
 Yinchuan0.496***0.405 to 0.6060.106***0.085 to 0.133
 Kunming1.435*1.018 to 2.0240.347***0.261 to 0.460
Constant1.588***1.255 to 2.0103.477***2.797 to 4.323
Observations14 16114 046
Number of IDs72837257
  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.