Table 1

Relevance of SCTC ENDS research papers published in this supplement

Supplement paperENDS research priority area*Findings with tobacco control relevance
Zhu et al. 460 brands of e-cigarettes and counting: implications for product regulation2Policy; messaging; marketing; normalisationChanges in product designs and promotional messages included in online e-cigarette marketing have implications for policy development
Rose et al. The availability of electronic cigarettes in US retail outlets, 2012: results of two national studies3Marketing; policyENDS availability is associated with store and neighbourhood characteristics, with implications for retail sales and marketing policies that may also reduce tobacco-related health disparities
Emery et al. Wanna know about vaping? Patterns of message exposure, seeking and sharing information about e-cigarettes across media platforms4Policy; messaging; marketing; normalisationSpecific demographic groups vary in exposure to, searching for, and sharing of e-cigarette-related information across media platforms, which has relevance for policies and counter-marketing efforts
Huang et al. A cross-sectional examination of marketing of electronic cigarettes on Twitter5Policy; messaging; marketing; normalisationTwitter is an important platform for commercial e-cigarette marketing, especially involving smoking cessation messages, with relevance for policies and counter-marketing efforts
Pepper et al. Effects of advertisements on smokers’ interest in trying e-cigarettes: the roles of product comparison and visual cues6Marketing; messaging; policyCertain message features of online e-cigarette ads stimulate smoker interest in trying e-cigarettes, with relevance for advertising restrictions
Gourdet et al. A baseline understanding of state laws governing e-cigarettes7Policy; product definitionsProvisions of existing state laws and other regulations that restrict and regulate e-cigarette-related products vary widely, which may impact policy enforcement and inform new policy development
Huang et al. The impact of price and tobacco control policies on the demand for electronic nicotine delivery systems8Marketing; industry action; policyE-cigarette sales are sensitive to price changes, which may inform policies addressing ENDS marketing
Cummins et al. Use of e-cigarettes by individuals with mental health conditions9Uptake; marketing; harm reduction; policyHigh rates of e-cigarette use by a vulnerable subgroup of smokers, with implications for policies, counter-marketing efforts, and cessation interventions
Schmitt et al. Research support for effective state and community tobacco control program response to electronic nicotine delivery systems1AllState tobacco control leaders express the need for ENDS-related research on priority topics, some of which may be addressed by the SCTC Research Initiative
  • *Based on ENDS research priority areas catalogued by Schmitt et al.1

  • ENDS, electronic nicotine delivery systems; SCTC, State and Community Tobacco Control Research Initiative.