Table 4

Demographic factors associated with the top three flavour types used with cigars/cigarillos/little filtered cigars in the past 30 days among past 30-day users of flavoured cigars/cigarillos/little filtered cigars, by specific flavour (n=829)

 Fruit flavour*Candy, chocolate or other sweet flavour*Alcohol flavour*
n% (95% CI)p Value†n% (95% CI)p Value†n% (95% CI)p Value†
Overall42952.4 (47.8 to 56.9)16322.0 (18.2 to 26.4)9614.5 (11.6 to 17.9)
 Male29951.1 (45.7 to 56.6)11021.3 (16.9 to 26.6)7015.1 (11.7 to 19.3)
 Female12656.2 (47.7 to 64.4)4923.3 (16.4 to 32.0)2513.3 (8.3 to 20.4)
Age group (years)0.005
 18–2412861.4 (52.7 to 69.4)3720.8 (14.6 to 28.7)3721.9 (15.5 to 30.0)
 25–295256.5 (45.2 to 67.1)2521.5 (14.1 to 31.2)1312.9 (7.1 to 22.3)
 30–4411953.7 (44.5 to 62.7)4424.0 (16.1 to 34.2)2212.6 (8.1 to 19.1)
 45–6410438.7 (31.2 to 46.8)4622.2 (16.0 to 30.1)2010.4 (6.0 to 17.5)
 65+2640.9 (26.8 to 56.6)11§3
 White, Non-Hispanic27154.1 (48.4 to 59.6)10823.1 (18.7 to 28.3)5314.2 (10.5 to 18.8)
 Black, Non-Hispanic4331.1 (22.4 to 41.3)2520.3 (13.1 to 30.1)2420.9 (13.3 to 31.2)
 Hispanic5149.4 (32.8 to 66.2)10§7§
 Other, Non-Hispanic¶5870.5 (58.1 to 80.5)16§11§
Annual household income (US$)0.5250.531
 <20 0007049.7 (39.8 to 59.5)2418.2 (11.9 to 26.8)9§
 20 000–49 99915055.1 (46.7 to 63.2)4619.1 (12.6 to 27.8)2511.5 (7.5 to 17.4)
 50 000–99 9998057.9 (47.0 to 68.0)3525.6 (17.2 to 36.4)169.1 (5.2 to 15.5)
 ≥100 0003446.9 (33.1 to 61.1)1829.9 (18.4 to 44.7)12§
 Unspecified9548.1 (38.9 to 57.5)4022.7 (15.3 to 32.3)3424.5 (17.3 to 33.5)
 Less than high School6254.5 (43.1 to 65.5)2321.6 (13.0 to 33.6)1316.4 (9.3 to 27.4)
 High school diploma/GED16354.8 (47.0 to 62.4)5220.6 (14.4 to 28.6)2911.8 (8.0 to 17.1)
 Some college13850.8 (43.3 to 58.3)6123.9 (17.9 to 31.1)4117.9 (12.9 to 24.3)
 Bachelor's degree or higher5945.5 (34.5 to 57.0)2322.1 (13.6 to 33.7)12§
US census region0.0650.196
 Northeast4440.7 (28.6 to 54.1)2531.5 (19.5 to 46.6)13§
 Midwest11458.7 (49.6 to 67.2)2715.2 (10.0 to 22.3)2014.3 (8.8 to 2.4)
 South14749.1 (42.2 to 56.0)6922.4 (17.1 to 28.8)4314.3 (10.3 to 19.5)
 West12459.3 (48.5 to 69.3)4223.3 (14.2 to 35.7)2012.1 (7.5 to 19.1)
Sexual orientation0.3060.688
 Heterosexual/straight33851.4 (46.2 to 56.6)12922.7 (18.3 to 27.8)7514.7 (11.4 to 18.7)
 Lesbian, gay or bisexual3563.1 (48.6 to 75.5)1320.3 (11.4 to 33.5)5§
 Unspecified5650.8 (39.2 to 62.3)2118.3 (10.4 to 30.2)1618.8 (11.2 to 30.0)
Cigarette smoking status0.743
 Current smoker27352.8 (47.0 to 58.6)9721.5 (16.6 to 27.4)5412.7 (9.4 to 17.0)
 Recent former smoker2458.1 (39.3 to 74.8)82§
 Long-term former smoker4345.6 (33.5 to 58.1)2022.1 (13.3 to 34.4)1218.8 (10.5 to 31.3)
 Never smoker8552.9 (43.0 to 62.6)3624.2 (16.6 to 33.8)2520.4 (13.4 to 29.8)
  • *Flavoured cigar users were allowed to report the use of more than one flavour and thus, proportions of specific flavour used may add to >100%.

  • †p Value based on Satterthwaite-adjusted Wald χ2.

  • ‡p Value not presented due to unstable estimates for one or more demographic groups.

  • §The relative SE was ≥30% or denominator <50.

  • ¶Other, Non-Hispanic includes Asian, Non-Hispanic; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic; American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic; Multiracial, Non-Hispanic and Other race, Non-Hispanic.

  • GED, general education development certificate; n, unweighted number of specific flavour users.