Table 3

Predictors of sustained abstinence and tweet volume

Relationship to sustained abstinence*†‡Intervention only, relationship to tweet volume*
ORCIp ValueβCIp Value
Age1.010.93 to 1.110.7761.36−0.76 to 3.470.210
Sex: male1.251.03 to 1.520.027−0.50−41.68 to 40.690.981
Education: college degree or higher0.970.83 to 1.130.68614.4013.69 to 69.110.003
Marital status: married/partnered1.160.98 to 1.370.092−24.22−65.40 to 16.950.249
Employment status: employed0.940.84 to 1.050.239−16.86−59.83 to 26.100.442
Cigarettes per day at baseline1.010.99 to 1.020.5122.30−1.93 to 6.530.287
Resolute abstinence goal1.161.06 to 1.270.001−15.27−61.86 to 31.320.521
Intervention participants only
Posted image for Tweet2Quit profile1.350.59 to 3.070.47851.905.39 to 98.410.029
Tweeted on mobile phone with texting1.190.43 to 3.300.73733.7318.75 to 48.710.001
Tweeted at work1.120.34 to 3.630.85640.0621.75 to 58.370.001
Tweet volume1.021.02 to 1.030.001
  • *Based on multivariate models.

  • †No interactions with condition (intervention vs control), p>0.289.

  • ‡Sustained abstinence was recorded if a participant responded at 7, 30 and 60 days, and consistently reported not smoking for the prior 7 days.