Table of contents
December 1992 - Volume 1 - 4
- If the science is irrefutable, attack the scientist (1 December, 1992)
- Fifteen years' experience of comprehensive tobacco control legislation (1 December, 1992)
- Is there a role for health-effects research? (1 December, 1992)
- Smoking in South Africa: the health and economic impact (1 December, 1992)
- Adolescent smokers' rights law (1 December, 1992)
- News analysis (1 December, 1992)
- Smoking policies for public service vehicles in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom (1 December, 1992)
- Changes in adult cigarette consumption per head in 128 countries, 1986-90 (1 December, 1992)
- The lighter side (1 December, 1992)
- Tobacco promotion in Central and Eastern Europe (1 December, 1992)
- Honey, I blew up the Marlboro Man (1 December, 1992)
Letters to the editor
- Relation between alcohol and tobacco use among Israeli adolescents (1 December, 1992)
- Cigars, sports, and Michael Jordan (1 December, 1992)