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Effect of clean indoor air laws on smokers: the clean air module of the SimSmoke computer simulation model
  1. David T Levy*,a,
  2. Karen Friendb,
  3. Eugene Polishchuka
  1. aPacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, *University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, bBrown University, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
  1. Dr David T Levy, 14403 Sylvan Glade Drive, North Potomac, Maryland, 20878, USALevy{at}


OBJECTIVES To develop a simulation model to examine the effects of clean indoor air laws on prevalence rates and smoking attributable deaths.

METHODS Based on empirical and theoretical research, the effects of clean air laws are modelled by type of law. The model considers clean air laws at the state levels between 1993 and 2000, and projects the number of smokers and smoking attributable deaths in the USA under different scenarios from 2000 onward.

RESULTS The model predicts that comprehensive clean air laws have the potential to reduce substantially the number of smokers and smoking attributable deaths, and these effects are predicted to grow over time. The predicted impact of new worksite laws are reduced when previously implemented private and public worksite restrictions are taken into account.

CONCLUSIONS Clean indoor air laws have the ability to reduce smoking rates substantially and save lives, but their impact is likely to depend on their comprehensiveness and prior private worksite restrictions in place.

  • policy
  • clean indoor air laws
  • prevalence rates
  • smoking attributable deaths

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