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Impact of the new EU health warnings on the Dutch quit line
  1. M C Willemsen,
  2. C Simons,
  3. G Zeeman
  1. DEFACTO for a smoke free future, The Hague, The Netherlands
  1. Correspondence to:
 Marc C Willemsen;

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On 1 May 2002, four months sooner than required by the European Union (EU), the new EU health warnings on cigarette packaging came into effect in The Netherlands. The warnings included the telephone number of the Dutch quit line. There are reports in the literature about the general impact of health messages,1 but very little about what this means for quit lines.

The front of the pack is required to have one of two health warnings, covering 30% of the surface. The back of the pack has one of 14 different health warnings. The cigarettes are distributed in such a way that all 14 messages are evenly mixed. One of these (translated from Dutch) …

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