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“At Face Value”: age progression software provides personalised demonstration of the effects of smoking on appearance
  1. P E Hysert,
  2. A L Mirand,
  3. G A Giovino,
  4. K M Cummings,
  5. C L Kuo
  1. Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
 Patricia Hysert, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton Streets, Buffalo, New York 14263-0001, USA; 

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The Task Force for Tobacco-Free Women and Girls in New York State is utilising a computer software program that provides personalised, science based illustrations of how smoking can affect facial appearance. The task force developed this program at the urging of young people who entered a 1998 essay contest in which middle and high school students were asked to submit their ideas for strategies to help girls reject tobacco. Twenty four per cent of the 2000 entrants from across the state advised that knowledge of the unattractive effects of tobacco use would deter girls from smoking. Their idea is supported by studies suggesting that self image and perception of smoker stereotype can play a role in the decision to initiate smoking.1–3 Several of the students specifically recommended the use of computer imaging.

Task force members reviewed available literature on the association between smoking and premature facial wrinkling4–8 and provided parameters for customisation of the APRIL (age progression image …

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