Table of contents
February 2005 - Volume 14 - 1
- Tobacco in sport: an endless addiction? (25 February, 2005)
News analysis
- Austria: small but deadly (25 February, 2005)
- Kenya: beach party “helps” tobacco bill (25 February, 2005)
- China: tobacco museum’s “smoky” health information (25 February, 2005)
- New Zealand: alcohol makes fun of tobacco (25 February, 2005)
- USA: the smokin’ Marlboro man of Fallujah (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
- The Lighter Side (25 February, 2005)
Brief reports
- Leaders and elites: portrayals of smoking in popular films (25 February, 2005)
- Smoke-free law did not affect revenue from gaming in Delaware (25 February, 2005)
Research papers
- Tobacco control implications of the first European product liability suit (25 February, 2005)
- Strength of clean indoor air laws and smoking related outcomes in the USA (25 February, 2005)
- Smokers’ unrealistic optimism about their risk (25 February, 2005)
- Environmental tobacco smoke exposure in public places of European cities (25 February, 2005)
- Smoking scenes in Japanese comics: a preliminary study (25 February, 2005)
Book Review
- Tobacco Addiction Specialist Certification (25 February, 2005)