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Preliminary effects of Italy’s ban on smoking in enclosed public places
  1. D Galeone,
  2. G Laurendi,
  3. S Vasselli,
  4. L Spizzichino,
  5. P D’Argenio,
  6. D Greco
  1. Italian Ministry of Health – Prevention Department, Rome, Italy
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Daniela Galeone

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From 10 January 2005, the Italian government enacted Law 3/20031 which bans smoking in all enclosed places, except those areas reserved for smokers and in private houses. The law permits the establishment of adequate rooms for smokers, and defines measures for controlling and sanctioning violations. The prohibition includes places open to the public, including all working places, shops, amusement and meeting places, and even common spaces (halls, stairs etc) in condominiums. It was expected that the introduction of such a law would …

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