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USA/World: more powerful version of Legacy Tobacco Documents Library
  1. Kim Klausner,
  2. Karen Butter,
  3. Stanton Glantz
  1. Library & Center for Knowledge Management, University of California, San Francisco, USA; kim.klausner{at}

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    In May, the University of California, San Francisco Library and Center for Knowledge Mangement released a completely redesigned version of the Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (LTDL) website. The new website is based on an updated technology that allows full text searching across all 7.6 million previously secret tobacco industry documents (40.6 million pages) in the collection. In addition, LTDL contains two other unique collections: DATTA (depositions, testimony, and opening and closing statements from tobacco-related trials) and Multimedia (links to over 460 videos that can be viewed online at the Internet Archive website).

    In addition, all 72 fields of indexing data (metadata) used by one or more of the tobacco companies are now directly searchable and researchers can create Boolean queries of unlimited length. The full text search capability allows researchers to find many more documents. For example, searching on “World Bank” yields 1777 documents on the old Legacy site and 32 813 on the new site; searching on “Enstrom” yields 1921 documents on the old site and 3654 on the new.

    Other features include query terms highlighted in results, simplified page navigation, sorting by document date, page count, Bates number and date added to industry site, and proximity word searching.

    The popular “bookbag” function, which allows users to save a document’s metadata and email or download the records, has been expanded to include the capacity to annotate each entry in the book bag.

    Since the Legacy Tobacco Documents Library was launched in January 2002, the size of the collection has grown from 24 million pages to its current 40.6 million pages, and the DATTA and Multimedia collections have been added. During that time, users have accessed more than 19.3 million pages.

    There will be continual additions of new features over the next year and searchers are encouraged to use the Questions or Comments? link on each page to send comments and suggestions.

    The LTDL was created with the support of the American Legacy Foundation and the scanning of the documents to create the full text searchable format was supported by the National Cancer Institute.

    The URL for the new site remains the same as the old one: < >.