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Notwithstanding the fact that it has been 10 years since empirical confirmation that trade liberalisation may increase tobacco consumption, tobacco control policy with respect to trade liberalisation and related processes remains largely underdeveloped. The most commonly articulated policy, that tobacco be excluded from the scope of trade agreements, is problematic for a number of reasons and has not been widely implemented. In light of this fact and the potential role of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, further research and policy development are needed in the area.
- FCTC, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
- PICTA, Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement
- WTI, World Trade Institute
- WTO, World Trade Organization
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↵i This work is also consistent with previous work, such as Hertel et al18 (pp 30 and 56).
↵ii It is also worth noting that goods with negative externalities can generate negative growth and that, as such, the ability of a country to gain from trade in tobacco products depends partly on taxation policy and its enforceability.
Competing interests: None.
BM is a Legal Policy Adviser at the VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control at the Cancer Council Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, and is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Law at Monash University where he is examining the relationship between trade and tobacco control policy.