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New Zealand: new graphic warnings encourage registrations with the quitline
  1. J Li,
  2. M Grigg
  1. The Quit Group, PO Box 12605, Wellington 6144, New Zealand
  1. Judy Li, The Quit Group, PO Box 12605, Wellington 6144, New Zealand;{at}

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Graphic warnings on tobacco product were introduced in New Zealand on 28 February 2008 and retailers had up to six months to comply. The warnings cover 30% of the front and 90% of the back of the packaging. Each warning label contains a picture depicting health effect(s) caused by smoking, and is enhanced by a warning message printed in both English and te reo Māori (the language of the indigenous people of New Zealand). Another positive aspect of the new warnings is a supportive cessation message included on the back of the packaging with the quitline number.

The aim of …

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