Table of contents
November 2016 - Volume 25 - 6
- The Race to a Tobacco Endgame (21 October, 2016)
News analysis
- Worldwide news and comment (21 October, 2016)
Brief reports
- Cigarette smokers’ classification of tobacco products (24 November, 2015)
Research letters
- Would a cigarette by any other name taste as good in China? (7 January, 2016)
Research papers
- Testing antismoking messages for Air Force trainees (19 October, 2015)
- The smoke-free legislation in Hong Kong: its impact on mortality (19 November, 2015)
- Dissuasive cigarette sticks: the next step in standardised (‘plain’) packaging? (16 December, 2015)
- Conflicts of interest in tobacco control in India: an exploratory study (26 November, 2015)