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Polytobacco use among young adult smokers: prospective association with cigarette consumption


Background. The risks of polytobacco use among young adults are unclear because we know relatively little about the consistency of multiproduct patterns over time and how these patterns impact cigarette smoking. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in multiple tobacco product use over time and associations with cigarette smoking quantity.

Methods. Participants (n=335; 55% male) were 18–24 years old non-daily cigarette smokers living in California. Polytobacco use patterns were assessed quarterly for 2 years.

Results. Transition analyses showed that while the number of products that had been used recently was volatile, the most common pattern was stability between timepoints. A longitudinal negative binomial regression model indicated that those who used more non-cigarette products also reported greater cigarette quantity. The strength of this relationship increased over time.

Conclusions. Findings suggest that individuals who use more tobacco products are at greater risk for increased cigarette smoking and maintaining a multiple product use pattern.

  • nicotine
  • non-cigarette tobacco products
  • priority/special populations

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