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Cigarette ads revive spirit of Joe Camel
  1. “Advertising Age”
  2. 740 North Rush Street
  3. Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA

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    Mighty nasty.

     The new slogan for Camel cigarettes and Camel Lights from Mezzina/Brown (advertising agency), New York, is supposed to be “Mighty tasty”. And it would seem to have a rather pleasing combination of directness and playfulness—until you realise what they are up to, which, of course, is the usual.

    The usual trolling for adolescents, that is.

    Having taken a stab at more adult imagery, the brand that improved its market share and wrecked its industry with the infamous Joe Camel cartoon is backsliding into juvenalia with a smart-alecky campaign that trades on a Joe Camel-like dose of attitude.

    One of the spreads (figure 1) shows a handsome young man running for his life from a shabby farmhouse, where …

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