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Play It Again is a section of the journal where we republish quotes, gaffes, and immortal lines from friends and foes of tobacco control. It is compiled by Gene Borio, the webmaster of Tobacco BBS, which is the premier tobacco newsgathering site on the internet. Send contributions (including an original version or photocopy of the sourced item) to him at Tobacco BBS, PO Box 359, Village Station, New York 10014-0359; fax 001 212 260 6825. Send quotes from online stories (including the full article) or scanned documents (in GIF or JPEG format), to

Nicely put: Apt insights from the tobacco control community and others

“[W]hen I was invited recently to give a talk on tobacco advertising to students at a progressive private school outside Boston, the person extending the invitation said she was also going to invite someone from the tobacco industry to represent ‘the other side’. I was tempted to ask her if she felt equally compelled to have a batterer on hand during a discussion of domestic violence.”

Kilbourne J. Deadly persuasion : why women and girls must fight the addictive power of advertising, “Free Press”; ISBN: 0684865998 1999 November.

“I had to tell one of your customers she had lung cancer.”

Dr David O Lewis, to RJ Reynolds CEO Steven Goldstone at a shareholders meeting. Source: Deacle S. Doctor wants to stop tobacco, “Danville Register & Bee” 1999 January 30.

“It was just too blatant, too obvious, too visible an image . . . Joe Camel helped change a nation that wanted to believe the industry didn't market to kids to a nation that didn't doubt that the industry would market to kids.”

Matt Myers, the executive vice president of the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids. Source: Lost Empire: Chapter 30, Part 1: Joe to the Rescue, “Winston-Salem Journal” 1999 December 17.

“Manna from hell.”

Community Health …

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