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Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care conference
  1. CARMELLA BOCCHINO, Vice President
  1. Medical Affairs
  2. American Association of Health Plans
  3. 1129 20th Street, NW
  4. Washington, DC 20036, USA;

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    The Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care conference is jointly sponsored by the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP) and our partners in the Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care National Technical Assistance Office, the Prudential Center for Health Care Research and Health Alliance Plan, and the Alliance of Community Health Plans, formerly known as the HMO Group. The conference is supported by educational grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research), the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We would like to thank them publicly and personally for their continued support, as without it we would never be able to offer the extensive program on tobacco cessation and control. We would also like to recognise and thank the staff of the Prudential Center for Health Care Research for their extensive work in coordinating the conference logistics, in particular Carol McPhillips-Tangum and Linda Schuessler. …

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