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The Kaiser Permanente prenatal smoking cessation trial: when more isn't better, what is enough?
  1. Daniel H Ershoffa,
  2. Virginia P Quinna,
  3. Neal R Boydb,
  4. Julie Sterna,
  5. Margaret Gregorya,
  6. David Wirtschaftera
  1. aKaiser Permanente Southern California Group, Pasadena, California, USA, bFox Chase Comprehensive Cancer Center
  1. Dr VP Quinn, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Department of Research and Evaluation, Walnut Center 911, Pasadena, CA 91188, USA;Virgina.P.Quinn{at}

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The effectiveness of low cost smoking interventions targeted to pregnant women has been demonstrated, although few gains in absolute cessation rates have been reported in the past decade. Under conditions of typical clinical practice, this study examined whether outcomes achieved with brief counselling from prenatal care providers and a self help booklet could be improved by adding more resource intensive cognitive behavioural programs.


Randomised clinical trial.


A large …

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