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Commentary on ‘This could change everything’
  1. Mike Daube
  1. Correspondence to Emeritus Professor Mike Daube, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Subiaco WA 6845, Australia; m.daube{at}

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Neil Collishaw is a doughty veteran of the tobacco wars. Like other campaigners, he is frustrated that while we have seen some encouraging developments, nearly 70 years after the first compelling evidence on the lethal nature of smoking, cigarettes are the cause of some 7 million deaths globally and tobacco companies still flourish.

As a good public health advocate, he is constantly on the alert for new ideas and approaches to complement the strategies we know can be effective. This includes recognising that the current decade has seen more changes in tobacco company approaches than any since the 1950s—although always dedicated to the continuation of …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

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