Table 1

Search strings as entered on the 4B index at the Minnesota Depository and websites by company

Blue collar title searches
    American Tobacco: advanced search interface, title: blue and title: collar
    Brown & Williamson: advanced search interface, title: blue and title: collar
    Lorillard: title: blue and title: collar
    Philip Morris: title: blue and title: collar
    RJ Reynolds: TTL: blue and TTL: collar* (old search interface; interface changed in May 2001)
    Tobacco Institute: title: blue and title: collar
Strategy (date limited between 1990-2000) title searches
    American Tobacco: advanced search interface, title: strategy and docdate: between 19900101 and 19991231
    Brown & Williamson: advanced search interface, title: strategy and docdate: between 19900101 and 19991231
    Lorillard: title: strategy (date range searching unavailable, sorted documents by hand)
    Philip Morris: title: strategy and [ddatev: 19900101-19991231]
    RJ Reynolds: TTL: strategy and DDT>19900101
    Tobacco Institute: title: strategy (date range searching unavailable, sorted documents by hand)
Tobacco Institute title and keyword searches
    title: target or title: targeted or title: targeting or title: targets or title: targeted
    Tennis and Virginia Slims
    title: tennis and title: slim or title: slims or title: slim' or title: vs
    Blue Collar
    title: blue and title: collar
    title: lifestyle or title: lifestyles
    Strategy (date limited between 1990-2000) title searches
    Minnesota: title: strategy and docdate: [19900101-19991231]
    Web: title: strategy (date range capabilities not working; documents sorted by hand)
    Strategy (no date limitation)
    title: strategy