Table 1

Statement numbers, statements within clusters listed in descending order of average importance, and importance rating mean and standard deviation (SD)

ASHRAE, American Society of Heating, Refridgerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers; FOIA, Freedom of Information Act; MSA, Master Settlement Agreement.
Lobbying and legislative strategy 3.71 0.94
85Writing and pushing pre-emptive legislation at state level4.670.58
8Creating loopholes in laws and agreements (e.g. the MSA) to allow business as usual4.570.68
26Contributing funds to political groups at federal, state and local level, to support industry goals4.430.98
53Using clout to influence introduction, advancement, modification, or suppression of bills in legislative bodies4.380.74
87Lobbying to assure that funds directed to tobacco control are diverted to non-tobacco control initiatives4.330.73
27Using clout to limit powers of regulatory agencies (jurisdiction, procedures, budgets)4.290.78
63Providing legislators with contributions, gifts, and other perks4.100.77
44Promoting partial or weak measures as an alternative to effective measures4.100.77
52Inserting limiting language in legislation, such as “knowingly” sell tobacco to minors4.050.74
13Writing weak tobacco control legislation then arguing that tobacco control measures are ineffective3.860.85
17Ghost writing non-tobacco bills (e.g. sewage) with clauses that if enacted, would bring pre-emption via the backdoor3.710.90
7Lobbying government officials to set unrealistic tobacco control goals to ensure programme failure3.671.20
61Using political and/or monetary clout to delay funding of tobacco control programmes3.671.06
36Lobby to assure that funds are diverted to ineffective tobacco control activities3.671.06
62Working against campaign finance reform to maintain influence3.621.12
21Working against strengthening campaign and lobbying disclosure laws3.571.08
19Promoting tort reform3.381.24
41Using clout to assign tobacco control programmes to hostile/apathetic agencies for implementation3.191.08
76Conducting “briefings” of members of Congress, allies, and consultants to sway opinion on an issue3.141.06
1Promoting smokers’ rights legislation3.051.02
29Use of tobacco companies subsidiaries (i.e. Miller and Kraft) in political opposition to tobacco control legislation3.051.12
10Ensuring supportive legislators will lob soft questions during testimony2.380.92
2Using tobacco employees to lobby against legislation with the excuse that it threatens their job security2.381.16
Legal and economic intimidation 3.46 1.04
16Devoting considerable resources to legal fights4.760.44
65Create and fund front groups3.811.12
46Assuring that court battles are fought in favourable jurisdictions3.760.83
64Infiltrating official and de facto regulatory organisations (like ASHRAE)3.431.16
58Filtering documentation through their attorneys in order to hide behind attorney work product3.291.35
9Encourage (or fail to discourage) smuggling as a way to counter tax hikes.3.101.26
4Counter tax increases with promotions and cents off3.051.20
48Threatening to withdraw support from credible groups to control2.480.98
Usurping the agenda 3.39 1.12
42Developing alliances with retailers, vendors, and the hospitality industry in opposition to public health policies3.900.89
40Usurping the public health process, such as creating their own youth tobacco prevention programmes3.331.20
22Avoiding regulatory and legislative interventions by establishing their own programmes such, as “We Card”3.241.04
66Promoting a tobacco control focus that is limited to youth issues3.241.26
35Shifting blame to the victims (e.g. passing youth possession laws to punish youths)3.241.22
Creating illusion of support 3.27 1.09
54Using legal and constitutional challenges to undermine federal, state, and local legislative and regulatory initiatives4.520.75
81Using anti-lobbying legislation to suppress tobacco control advocacy3.571.16
68Flying in cadre of “experts” to fight local/state legislation3.430.98
39Creating the illusion of a pro-tobacco grassroots movement through direct mail database and paid-for petition names3.191.21
60Using international activities to avoid domestic rules on ads, taxation, etc3.051.02
33Entering false testimony and false data into the public record2.951.20
75Tying states’ MSA money to increases/decreases of smoking prevalence2.951.32
59Using employees and their families to make campaign contributions that are difficult to track2.521.08
Harassment 3.26 1.19
43Intimidating opponents with overwhelming resources4.380.74
32Using the courts, and threats of legal action to silence opponents4.190.93
37Harassing tobacco control workers via letters, FOIAs, and legal action.3.431.43
56Silencing industry insiders3.191.36
23Hassling prominent tobacco control scientists for their advocacy work3.001.45
3Infiltrating tobacco prevention and control groups2.811.17
25Trying to undermine those selling effective cessation products1.811.25
Undermining science 3.26 1.09
11Creating doubt about the credibility of science by paying scientists to disseminate pro-tobacco information3.760.77
18Sowing confusion about the meaning of statistical significance and research methods3.571.12
38Creating scientific forums to get pro-tobacco information into the scientific literature3.331.24
5Influencing scientific publication by paying journal editors to write editorials opposing tobacco restrictions3.101.09
71Creating doubt about the credibility of science by paying scientists to provide expert testimony3.101.22
80Creating doubt about the credibility of legitimate science by paying scientists to conduct research3.051.16
86Conducting studies that, by design, cannot achieve a significant result2.901.04
Media manipulation 2.91 1.13
77Using advertising dollars to control content of media3.710.96
34Putting own “spin” on the issues by manufacturing information sources3.431.12
67Taking advantage of the “balanced reporting” concept to get equal time for junk science2.861.20
69Ghost writing pro-tobacco articles2.761.22
6Avoiding the key health questions by saying they are not experts and then not agreeing with the experts2.711.27
84Misrepresenting facts in situations where there is no time to verify2.670.97
74Publicly acknowledging the risk of tobacco use, but minimising the magnitude2.671.20
30Publicising research into “safe cigarettes”2.481.12
Public relations 2.85 1.10
12Using philanthropy to link their public image with positive causes4.000.89
28Using philanthropy to build a constituency of support among credible groups3.620.80
73Diverting attention from the health issues by focusing attention on the economic issues3.480.98
51Distracting attention from the real issues with alternative stances such as accommodation and ventilation3.381.40
88Asserting that restrictions on tobacco could lead to restrictions on other industries and products3.380.92
14Minimising importance of misdeeds in the past by claiming they have changed3.241.41
20Argue that tobacco control policies are anti-business3.191.03
72Maintaining that the tobacco industry is of critical importance to the economy3.191.08
45Portraying themselves “responsible”, “reasonable” and willing to engage in a “dialogue”2.901.34
78Misrepresenting legal issues to naive reporters and stock analysts2.861.20
79Feeding pro-tobacco information to market analysts who are predisposed to accepting and transmitting it2.861.20
15Representing people as “anti-smoker” instead of anti-smoking2.811.03
82Developing pro-tobacco media content, such as videos and press releases2.670.97
83Painting tobacco control activists as extremists2.671.15
55Pretending that the “real” tobacco control agenda is prohibition2.571.08
57Casting tobacco control as a civil rights threat2.521.25
49Portraying tobacco control as a class struggle against poor and minority groups2.480.98
24Extensive media training for executives who will be in the public eye2.431.12
70Shifting attention toward lawyers’ monetary gains and away from tobacco litigation2.381.20
47Avoiding losing public debates by overcomplicating simple issues2.291.15
31Blaming it on “fall-guys” (past or rogue employees) when the industry is caught misbehaving2.001.22
50Refusing or avoiding media debates where they think they will do poorly1.710.72