Table 2

Gothiatek standard.19 Voluntary market based toxicity standard used for snus products by Swedish Match Tobacco Company

mg/kg, thousandth gram per kilogram product (based on Snus with 50% water content); µg/kg, millionth gram per kilogram product (based on Snus with 50% water content); double the limits for dry weight equivalents.
Nitrate3.5 mg/kg
Tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNA)5 mg/kg
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)5 µg/kg
Benz(a)pyrene (BaP)10 µg/kg
Cadmium0.5 mg/kg
Lead1.0 mg/kg
Arsenic0.25 mg/kg
Nickel2.25 mg/kg
Chromium1.5 mg/kg