1972 | Productions Inc, a movie and television company, points out to RJ Reynolds that product placement in movies is “better than any commercial that has been run on television or any magazine, because the audience is totally unaware of any sponsor involvement” |
1978 | Phillip Morris begins working with Charles Pomerance to place tobacco products in movies |
1979 | Brown and Williamson (B&W) contracts with the product placement firm of Associated Film Promotions for placing B&W products in movies |
1979 | Phillip Morris pays to have Marlboros featured in the movie Superman II |
1980 | RJ Reynolds (RJR) contracts with Rogers and Cowan to develop a relationship with the television and movie industry which includes product placement, providing free product to key entertainment industry workers and promoting star use of RJR products through national media |
1982 | American Tobacco contracts with Unique Product Placement to place American Tobacco Products in films. |
1982 | Rogers and Cowan reports to RJR that they have arranged to have Sean Connery and others smoke Winston and Camel cigarettes in Never say Never Again for $10000 |
1983 | In spring, B&W launches a campaign placing cigarette ads in 3000 movie theatres. During July, a Kool ad is run during the “G” rated Disney film Snow White in Boston; anti-smoking activists create extensive controversy |
1983 | In fall, B&W implements a critical audit of relationship with Associated Film Promotions questioning effectiveness and control of product placement programme |
1984 | B&W cancels product placement and in-theatre ad programmes |
1984 | Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising Corporation seeks tobacco company product placement agreements which would feature products and guarantee exclusivity in films for $20000 to $25000 per film |
1988 | Phillip Morris pays $350000 for use of Larks in James Bond movie License to Kill and for rights to run a media promotion effort to coincide with the movie's opening in Japan |
1989 | Phillip Morris marketing study notes most “strong, positive images for cigarettes and smoking are created and perpetuated by cinema and television” |
1989-90 | Public hearings on product placement by Congressman Thomas Luken's Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism and Hazardous Materials |
1990 | US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) inquiry into product placement activities of various tobacco firms |
1990 | RJR International contracts with Rogers and Cowan International for the placement of RJR products in films produced outside of the USA |
1990 | Cigarette companies modify voluntary Cigarette Advertising and Promotion Code to prohibit paid product placement |
1991 | After falling through the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the frequency of smoking in the movies begins a rapid increase |
1992 | UPP contract with American Tobacco is modified to limit UPP's efforts with filmmakers to being reactive rather than proactive |
1996/97 | FTC notes that expenditures by the cigar industry for “celebrity endorsements, and appearances, and payment for product placement in movies and television more than doubled between 1996 and 1997” |
1998 | The Cigar Manufacturers' Association adopts a voluntary policy discouraging (but not outlawing) paid and donated cigar placements in movies and on television |
1998 | The Master Settlement Agreement prohibits participating cigarette manufacturers from product placement activities |
2000 | Average amount of smoking in movies exceeds levels observed in the 1960s |
2001 | Studies of films during the 1990s find continuing brand use depiction in movies with about 80% of the exposures being Philip Morris products, primarily Marlboro. Identifiable brand use by high profile stars is higher than before the tobacco industry's voluntary restrictions on product placement in movies |