International and non-US associations
Australian Hotel/Restaurant Association (NSW)135 | 1993 | Hosted the 1994 IHA Annual Congress and requested a session on smoking accommodation at the 1995 congress and asked PM to be a major sponsor at $100000 |
Australian Hotels Association – Western136 | 2001 | PM Australia is corporate sponsor |
BARS (Byward Association for Responsible Service)/PUBCO137 (Ottawa, Canada) | 2001 | The Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council provided a phone bank for an anti-ban campaign |
HORECA (International Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes)93,96 | 1989-? | Promoted PM's “Preserve Our Traditions” programme. Received funding from PM |
HOTREC101,102 | 1993-96 | Received funding from PM. PM contributed to the position paper on smoking issues |
International Hotel Association/International Hotel and Restaurant Association96,107,109, | 1993- ? | Received funding from PM. PM contributed to the position paper on smoking issues. Promotes PM's “Courtesy of Choice” programme |
International Society of Restaurant Association Executives138 | 1998 | Conducted a study sponsored by PM |
US national associations
American Beverage Institute124 | 1998 | Conducted economic impact study on California bars funded by PM |
Bowling Proprietors Association of America124 | 1998 | Conducted economic impact study on bowling centres funded by PM |
Distinguished Restaurants of North America124,139 | 1999 | Conducted a poll sponsored by PM |
Guest Choice Network140 | 1998 | PM on advisory panel, Tom Lauria from TI working for Guest Choice Network |
Hospitality Coalition on Indoor Air Quality127 | 2001 | PM Options is founding member |
National Licensed Beverage Association141,142 | 1995, 1999-present | Received funding from TI. Starting in 1999, sponsoring AtmospherePLUS, a ventilation programme funded and organised by PM |
National Restaurant Association143 | 1993 | Offered educational series on Accommodation sponsored by PM |
Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America142 | 1999-present | Supporting Atmosphere PLUS, a ventilation programme organised and funded by PM |
US state/local associations
Alaska Restaurant Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Arizona Licensed Beverage Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Arizona Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Arkansas Hospitality Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Beverly Hills Restaurant Association18 | 1987 | Created by TI's political consultant, Rudy Cole |
California Business and Restaurant Alliance146 | | Created by the Dolphin Group, a public relations firm for PM |
California Licensed Beverage Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
California Tavern Association146 | | Created by PM |
Central Ohio Licensed Beverage Association45,141,144 | 1995-present | Received funding from TI. Collaborated with tobacco industry to pass state bill removing authority from health boards |
Club Association of West Virginia124 | 1998 | Conducted poll funded by PM |
Colorado Lodging Association141 | 1995-96 | Received funding from TI |
Connecticut Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Delaware Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Florida Restaurant Association141 | 1995-96 | Received funding from TI |
Golden Gate Restaurant Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Hawaii Hotel/Motel Association141,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Hawaii Hotel Association147 | 1996 | Received funding from PM |
Hawaii Restaurant Association124,141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI. Conducted poll for PM |
Idaho Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Illinois Hospitality and Commerce Coalition130 | 2001 | PM is a member |
Indiana Restaurant and Hospitality Association144 | 1996-97 | Received funding from TI |
Iowa Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Kansas Restaurant Association141 | 1995 | Received funding from TI |
Les Benson Hotel Association of Los Angeles141 | 1995-96 | Received funding from TI |
Long Island Hospitality and Tourism Association, aka the Long Island Hospitality Board44 | 1994 | Organised by McCrann Public Affairs, a PM public relations firm |
Louisiana Restaurant Association141 | 1995-96 | Received funding from TI |
Maine Restaurant Association124 | 1998 | Conducted poll funded by PM |
Maryland Hotel and Motel Association141,144 | 1996-97 | Received funding from TI |
Maryland Licensed Beverage Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Massachusetts Restaurant Association141,148 | 1978-present | Received funding from TI for 1995-1996. Has worked with the tobacco industry to fight state and local smoking restrictions in Massachusetts for more than 20 years. |
Metro-WA Association of Restaurants141,144 (Washington, DC) | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Michigan Licensed Beverage Association149 | 1996 | Received unrestricted research grant from PM |
Michigan Restaurant Association149 | 1996 | Received unrestricted research grant from PM |
Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Mississippi Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Nebraska Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurant Association84,144 | 1996-present | Received funding from TI, PM, and RJR |
New Jersey Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-96 | Received funding from TI |
New Mexico Hotel/Motel Association141,144 | 1996-97 | Received funding from TI |
New York Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
New York Tavern Association144 | 1996-97 | Received funding from TI |
Northern California Tavern and Restaurant Association146 | | Created by the Dolphin Group, a public relations firm for PM |
Ohio Restaurant Association124 | 1998 | Conducted poll funded by PM |
Oklahoma Restaurant Association124 | 1998 | Conducted poll funded by PM |
Oregon Hotel Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Oregon Restaurant Association85,141,144,145,150 | 1995-present | Received funding from TI. Hired a lobbyist representing RJR. PM Options is major sponsor of convention 2001 |
Restaurants for a Sound, Voluntary Policy (RSVP)18,43 (California) | | Operated by Rudy Cole, political consultant for TI |
Rhode Island Hospitality and Tourism Association124 | 1998 | Conducted poll funded by PM |
Sacramento Restaurant and Merchant Association18 (California) | 1991 | A vehicle for Ray McNally & Associates, a public relations firm paid for by PM and reportable to TI |
San Diego Tavern and Restaurant Association146 (California) | | Created by the Dolphin Group, a public relations firm for PM |
South Dakota Inn Keepers Association144 | 1996-97 | Received funding from TI |
Tennessee Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Texas Hospitality Coalition on Indoor Air Quality129 | 2001 | PM is founding member |
Texas Restaurant Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
United Restaurant, Hotel and Tavern Association (aka New York Tavern and Restaurant Association, Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association, and Manhattan Tavern and Restaurant Association)44 | 1987-present | Funnelled money for the Tobacco Institute to bypass New York lobbying laws |
Utah Hotel and Motel Association141,144 | 1995-97 | Received funding from TI |
Vermont Business and Restaurant Coalition151 | 1993 | Underwritten and organised by PM |
Washington Restaurant Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Washington State Hotel Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Washington State Licensed Beverage Association145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Washington State Tavern Association141,144,145 | 1995-99 | Received funding from TI |
Wisconsin Restaurant Association124 | 1998 | Conducted poll funded by PM |
Wyoming Hotel and Motel Association141 | 1995-96 | Received funding from TI |