Table 2

 Linear regression models for percentage smoke-free, youth smoking, and adult smoking (n = 51)

Predictor variablesModel 1: dependent variable: % smoke- freeModel 2: dependent variable: BRFSS adult smoking (%)Model 3: dependent variable NHSDA adult smoking (%)Model 4: dependent variable: NHSDA youth smoking (%)Model 5: dependent variable: YRBS youth smoking (%)
βSEp ValueβSEp ValueβSEp ValueβSEp ValueβSEp Value
ANRF, American Nonsmoker’s Rights Foundation; BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; CIA, clean indoor air; NHSDA, National Household Survey of Drug Abuse; SCLD, State Cancer Legislative Database; SE, standard error; YRBS, Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
SCLD CIA score0.420.130.00−−−−0.530.140.00
ANRF local worksite CIA (%)−−
Persons below poverty level (%)−−−−
Excise tax (cents)−−−0.050.320.87
R2 0.360.