Table 2

 Cost of smoking by type of cost and sex, California, 1999

Type of cost and sexAmount (’000s)Distribution (%)Per residentPer smoker
Numbers may not add to total due to rounding.
*Includes physician and other professional services.
†Discounted at 3%.
    Direct cost$856462354.3$258$1810
        Nursing home care$12672328.0$38$268
        Home health$871570.6$3$18
    Indirect lost productivity$719515645.7$217$1521
        Premature death†$568294636.1$171$1201
Men, Total$9418889100.0$568$3409
    Direct cost$424321145.1$256$1536
        Nursing home care$4721475.0$28$171
        Home health$256610.3$2$9
    Indirect lost productivity$517567854.9$312$1873
        Premature death†$441357946.9$266$1598
Women, total$6340890100.0$383$3221
    Direct cost$432141268.2$261$2195
        Nursing home care$79508512.5$48$404
        Home health$614961.0$4$31
    Indirect lost productivity$201947831.8$122$1026
        Premature death†$126936720.0$77$645