Table 3

 Results of time series (ARIMA) modelling of effects of policy initiatives on smoking cessation medication sales

BSET ratiop Value
*The power to estimate this parameter was limited by the fact that there were very few data points before the event.
GSL, general sales; NRT, nicotine replacement therapy; OTC, over-the-counter; SE, standard error
2 mg gum on GSL*9733.129994.30.320.75
Bupropion reimbursed101629.325914.83.920.0003
NRT reimbursed80800.934188.02.360.02
Other NRT on GSL55031.535536.81.550.13
Lozenge available72621.829252.22.480.02
Prescription nicotine replacement
2 mg gum on GSL*2406.627897.20.090.93
Bupropion reimbursed14891.424037.70.620.54
NRT reimbursed99343.831982.93.110.003
Other NRT on GSL81004.033296.52.430.20
Lozenge available100575.127205.73.690.0007
OTC nicotine replacement
2 mg gum on GSL*−18351.413315.1−1.380.18
Bupropion reimbursed8906.111783.00.760.45
NRT reimbursed19005.014493.61.310.20
Other NRT on GSL14164.714866.40.950.35
Lozenge available24831.012998.161.910.06