Table 4

 Awareness of tobacco marketing, by country, at wave 2

Canada Wave 2USA Wave 2Australia Wave 2UK Wave 2
%95% CI%95% CI%95% CI%95% CI
Base: all cohort respondents giving valid responses at Wave 1 and Wave 2. Base numbers for each country range as follows: Canada (1659 to 1674), USA (1331 to 1339), Australia (1835 to 1876), UK (1846 to 1865).
The data in this table are weighted for age and sex for each country using the longitudinal weights for Wave 1 continuers, as described in Thompson et al.13
    Noticed tob ads in store53(50 to 55)89(88 to 91)48(45 to 50)62(60 to 64)
    Noticed tob ads on billboards25(23 to 27)46(44 to 49)14(12 to 15)35(33 to 37)
    Noticed tob ads in newspapers/mags37(35 to 39)59(56 to 61)14(12 to 15)31(29 to 34)
    Sports sponsorship41(39 to 43)42(39 to 44)33(31 to 35)53(51 to 55)
    Arts sponsorship16(14 to 18)7(6 to 8)3(3 to 4)2(1 to 3)
    Special price31(28 to 33)80(78 to 82)29(27 to 31)46(44 to 48)
    Direct mail2(1 to 2)44(42 to 47)0(0 to 1)10(9 to 11)
    Signs22(20 to 23)44(41 to 46)19(17 to 21)23(21 to 25)
    Branded clothing11(10 to 13)32(30 to 35)11(10 to 12)11(10 to 13)
    Free samples2(1 to 2)30(28 to 33)3(2 to 4)7(5 to 8)
    Gift/discount4(3 to 5)29(27 to 31)10(9 to 12)10(9 to 11)