Table 1

 Sample characteristics, cigarette consumption and smoking related thoughts by country (n = 9046)

VariablesCountryTest of significance
Australia n = 2301UK n = 2400Canada n = 2206USA n = 2139
Percentages for age and sex were based on unweighted data.
Age (years) (%)
    18–2416.88.515.615.8χ2 (9) = 175.98, p<0.001
Sex (% female)52.756.654.355.1χ2 (9) = 7.66, p = 0.054
Daily cigarette consumption
    Mean18.716.916.618.6F(3, 9035) = 20.74, p<0.001
Think about harm of smoking to others
    Mean2., 9007) = 44.38, p<0.001
Believe smoking causes lung cancer in non-smokers from secondhand smoke (% yes)76.982.682.272.1χ2 (3) = 91.22, p<0.001