Table 2

 Timeline of events

BAT, British American Tobacco; JV, joint venture.
April 1993BAT participates in World Economic Forum visit to Uzbekistan
May 1993First BAT team visit to Uzbekistan
June to October 1993Ongoing visits and negotiations
September 1993Philip Morris’ JV with Almaty Tobacco Kombinat announced
28th September–5th October 1993Uzbek delegation visit UK and Europe
5th October 1993Memorandum of understanding signed between UPP, GKI and BAT. Includes an exclusive negotiating period of 12 months
23rd–26th November 1993President Karimov’s visit to UK
14–16th December 1993Sir Patrick Sheehy (BAT Chairman) and Ulrich Herter (Managing Director Tobacco BAT Industries) visit Uzbekistan
15th December 1993Protocol of Intent signed by First Deputy Prime Minister Ismael Djurabekov for the Uzbek government and Sir Patrick Sheehy for BAT
January 1994Establishment of customs union between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan announced
11th February 1994First Presidential Decree: Cabinet of Ministers Decree signed by President Karimov approving JV with BAT. Agreement on terms of JV to be agreed by 11th May
14th May 1994Share Purchase Agreement signed
16th May 1994BAT publicly announces the deal
20th June 1994Second Presidential Decree: President Karimov signs Cabinet of Ministers Decree on establishment of JV. Confirms monopoly position
June, July, August 1994Ongoing negotiations focus on taxation
15th July 1994BAT discovers existence of Health Decree 30, comprehensive tobacco control legislation
Late August 1994Tax issues resolved to BAT’s satisfaction and a Tashkent decree banning street advertising is reversed at BAT’s request
August–October1994Negotiations on Health Decree 30 continue
31st October 1994Date by which amended decree would be in force
22nd November 1994BAT transfers first payment to establish majority stake in the Uzbek tobacco industry
20th–22nd December 1994Sheehy visits Uzbekistan to formalise creation of the JV