Table 1

 Project Quit Tobacco International phases of research

Phase I: Year 1
Goal: Baseline data collection
1.Researchers become familiar with tobacco education and cessation approaches used in other countries
2.Tobacco research methods training begins. Researchers build a repository of tobacco-related materials in each country
3.Researchers conduct formative research toward the development of baseline instruments and data collection procedures
4.Researchers collect baseline data in medical schools and the health sector of each country
Phase II: Years 2 and 3
Goals: Create culturally appropriate educational materials and situational assessments of medical schools and clinical settings
1.Formative research is undertaken toward the development of culturally sensitive tobacco education materials; pre-testing of materials is undertaken
2.Formative research is conducted on cultural perceptions of tobacco and the link between tobacco and particular diseases
3.A situational assessment of medical school curriculum is conducted in preparation for introducing tobacco education and cessation training
4.A situational assessment of clinical settings is conducted in preparation for pilot cessation intervention planning (e.g. when, where, and how long for interventions)
Phase III: Years 3 and 4
Goal: Intervention development and trial
1.Formative research is conducted to develop culturally appropriate cessation approaches. Cessation approaches tried elsewhere are reviewed and what does and does not work is determined
2.Pilot interventions are designed, implemented and evaluated in clinical settings
3.Tobacco education lectures and materials for use in medical school settings are designed, introduced, and evaluated.
Phase IV: Years 3–5
Goals: Outreach and dissemination
1.A launch event is held in each country highlighting tobacco cessation as a core issue for health care providers
2.Outreach training in tobacco and tobacco cessation is delivered to health care providers and tobacco cessation materials are disseminated
3.A regional conference is held in both countries to showcase tobacco cessation efforts