Table 1 Annual population reach of the Maine Tobacco HelpLine, and how callers heard about the service—2001 to 2006
Smoker population reach, by year† (%)0.8%1.9%2.9%3.4%6.6%4.2%
Tobacco users assisted by HelpLine (n)529401960777114136738739
How heard about (% for each year):
    Healthcare professional10%21%28%30%27%38%
    Media (TV, radio, print ads)69%53%35%26%24%21%
    Family or friend6%12%25%27%26%22%
    Past caller3%1%4%9%9%2%
  • *Reach for 2001 is annualised based on operation from September 2001–December 2001.

  • †Population reach is the percentage of adult smokers in the state provided Helpline services each year.

  • Treatment Initiative chronology: Helpline began August 2001; NRT available September 2002; clinical outreach began November 2002. Quitline hours of operation expanded February 2005. Cigarette tax doubled ($1.00 to $2.00) September 2005.