Table 2

 Tobacco industry relationships of the Institute For Science and Health Tobacco Science and Health Advisory Council members

NameProfessionFirst financial relationshipPublished with tobacco company personnel?Pubmed citations on tobacco or cigarette smoke as of September 2006
AHF, American Health Foundation; CIAR, centre for indoor air research; ETS, environmental tobacco smoke; FTR, faculty travel and research; INBIFIO, Institut fiir industrielle and biologische Forschung GmbH; IRB, Institutional Review Board; ORNL, Oak Ridge National Laboratories; PM, Philip Morris; PMERP, Philip Morris External Research Program; RJR, R.J. Reynolds.
*Roger Jenkins is also a member of the IFSH Board of Directors.
Roger Jenkins*Chemist2004 PMERP grant to ORNL106No21
ORNL2001 Consultant to Brown and Williamson101,103
2000 ETS survey of corp. headquarters (Lorillard)107
2000 Instrument validation (PM)108
1992–9 16-Cities study (CIAR/RJR/ORNL)109,110
1994 OSHA presentation (CIAR/ORNL/RJR)
1987–90 Develop personal air sampler (CIAR)111–113
1985 Clove cigarette analysis (RJR)114
John GorrodChemist1998 Paid visit to PM Research Center116No5
University of Essex, UK1997 Edited monograph on nicotine metabolism (PM)117–119
University of London, UK1993 Grant (PM/FTR)120
1992 Paid visit to INBIFO121
1989–94 Postdoctoral fellowships (PM)122,123
1987 Paid visit to INBIFO124
1975–78 CTR grant45,125,126
Elmar RichterVeterinarian1999 Grant (PM/FTR)127Yes131–13531
Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet, Munich1994 Grant (PM/FTR)128–130
Dietrich HoffmannChemist1961–1987 both AHF and the Sloane Kettering Institute received tobacco industry funding for Hoffmann’s research136No203
Sloane Kettering Institute
Karl O. FagerstromBehavioural Psychologist2002 Consultant (Swedish Match)137No44
Fagerstrom Consulting (founder/principal)
Pharmacia Corp.
University of Uppsala, Sweden
Stephen RennardPulmonologist1997–8 Grant to test Eclipse cigarette (RJR)138No40
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Heidi FothToxicologist1991 Speaker at INBIFO139,140No40
Halle-Wittenberg University, Germany
University of Goettingen, Germany
Marie StiborovaBiochemistNoneNoNo
Charles University, Czechoslovakia
Paula KnudsonCertified IRB ProfessionalNoneNoNo
University of Texas
Alan J PaineToxicologistNoneNoNo
King’s College, London
UK Department of Health Toxicology Unit