Ex-smokers (>10 years former smokers) not susceptible to effects of ETS | | Ex-smokers susceptible to effects of ETS | | 2140 (74.3%) | 4149 (28.2%) |
When someone is exposed in both settings there is no additive risk | | When someone is exposed in both settings the RR is additive | | 1250 (1.8%) | 3304 (2.1%) |
RR of ischaemic heart disease is RR = 1.30–1.21 (home/work) | | RR of ischaemic heart disease estimated with biomarkers RR = 1.8926 | | 3298 (168.6%) | 8008 (147.4%) |
There is not enough evidence of stroke | | RR of stroke = 2.10 for men and 1.66 for women | | 3935 (220.4%) | 9990 (208.6%) |
Exposed in leisure time not susceptible to effects of ETS | | Daily exposed in leisure time are susceptible to effects of ETS | | 2870 (133.7%) | 5369 (65.9%) |