Table 5

Mean number of cigarettes smoked per day and mean serum cotinine level among male daily cigarette smokers* aged 20 years or older, by smokeless tobacco use status

Smokeless tobacco useUnweighted sample sizeCigarettes per daySerum cotinine (ng/ml)
Every day1117.063.79344.2040.02
Some days2217.751.62215.7922.69
  • National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2006.

  • * Excludes persons using cigars, pipes, or nicotine replacement pharmacotherapy.

  • Significantly greater than some day smokeless tobacco use or never used smokeless tobacco (p ≤ 0.006).

  • Significantly greater than some day smokeless tobacco use (p= 0.01) or never used smokeless tobacco (p= 0.02).