Table 5

Net effect of low-cost LNSLT availability on intended smoking behaviour in response to 50% and 100% cigarette price increases by interest in trying LNSLT (percentage change from price increase alone)

Likelihood of trying one of the LNSLT products if they were available for sale in Australia
Unlikely/very unlikelyUncertainLikely/very likelyTotal
Intended smoking behaviour if cigarette price increases by 50%
 Keep smoking−6%−31%−24%−17%
 Try to quit+2%+11%−21%−2%
 Cannot say+1%+2%0%+1%
 Try to switch to LNSLT+3%+18%+45%+18%
Intended smoking behaviour if cigarette price increases by 100%
 Keep smoking−2%−22%−36%−16%
 Try to quit−1%−7%−14%−6%
 Cannot say+1%+8%0%+2%
 Try to switch to LNSLT+2%+21%+50%+20%