Sample school/student characteristics
Non-carryover high schoolsHigh schools that participated in original longitudinal studyGoodness of fit χ2 test2005 carryover high schools2005 dropout carryover high schoolsGoodness of fit χ2 test
School sample size (No of schools)9165578
Student sample size (No of students)781772116301910
School gradep=0.0700p=0.2323
 American Indian1.0%0.9%1.0%0.02%
 African American11.3%5.0%5.0%5.1%
 Pacific Islander/Filipino2.5%2.0%2.0%2.8%
Tobacco use status
 Lifetime use45.8%39.7%p<0.045639.7%40.1%p=0.0774
 Current use (any smoking in 30 days)12.5%13.2%p=0.630613.0%15.4%p=0.0405
  • Source: 2003–2004 CSTS data weighted to reflect the complex survey design and corrected for differential non-response.

  • *CSTS ethnicity prevalence estimates are based on a question asking respondents to identify one ethnic category that best describes her/himself.